Community Development and Capacity Building are key ingredients for the health and wellbeing of a population. This is particularly true for racialized & marginalized communities. It is only when a community is empowered, engaged, well informed and active that it begins to take ownership of its health and wellbeing.
At TAIBU CHC all our programs and services are designed and delivered with this philosophy at the Centre.

I am what I am because of who we all are
Routed in the African principle of “I am what I am because of who we all are”, the Ubuntu project is a unique, innovative and comprehensive program with the aim of developing a village where older adults will be empowered to taking ownership of their health and wellbeing through various streams of self managed and structured working groups including physical activity, nutrition, caring, and writers groups. The ultimate objective is for older adults to age successfully in the community.
The Ubuntu Village construction and direction is led by an Advisory Committee comprised of professional and committed older adults from the community with the support of the Ubuntu Project Coordinator.
For more information please call (416) 644-3539 (Ext. 289)
Literacy, Education, Arts, Recreation & Nurturing (L.E.A.R.N.)
The LEARN-After School Program for children and youth funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation is geared towards increasing academic success and advocacy skills for children 8 to 17 years.
Mentors/tutors from the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus and Centennial Colleges provide one-on-one mentorship and tutoring for the elementary and high school students. The program is also designed to provide monthly support to the parents/caregivers to teach them how to advocate and navigate the school systems.
The program approached is based on experiential learning principles comprising of story-telling, short didactic presentations, small and large group discussions, multi media-music production, photo-voice, drawing, spoken words, poetry, drama among others.
The 30 week curriculum to equip students with the skills and knowledge to manage indicators for academic success; School Comfortability, Student Teacher Relationship, Cultural Congruence and Class Room Equity, Perceived Threat of Racism/Discrimination, and Reduce Barriers to Academic Support.
For more information please call (416) 644-3539 (Ext. 244)
The Malvern Men Social Club is also a self governed group of men from the community who meet on a weekly basis and in addition to having fun in the traditional way, by playing dominoes or cards, they also hold educational session to discuss important men health issues such prostate cancer, mental health, hypertension or diabetes.
They are also very active in planning and implementing intergenerational activities including engaging the male youth in the community and provide guidance, mentorship and support for academic success.
For more information please contact (416) 644-3539 (Ext. 314)
Step it up Girls Program was implemented to support adolescence girls ages 12 to 21 years in a changing and diverse environment. Through group discussion, girls will learn and contribute their knowledge and understanding of how the broader Social Determinants of Health such as racism, discrimination, ethnicity, gender roles, culture, identity and employment impact their health and everyday lives.
Topics covered include: Empowerment, self healing and esteem, body image, relationships, education and career planning, stress and time management, sexuality and sexual health, anger management and social aggression among others.
These areas are discussed openly to promote progression in the lives of young girls over a 40 week period.
The program has been designed as a safe space for girls to communicate their needs as well as provide education on how to build self esteem, combat bullying and healthy stress management techniques.
Objectives of Program:
- To build self esteem and communication skills
- To increase physical activity
- To provide healthy stress management techniques
For more information please contact (416) 644-3539 (Ext. 224)
The goal of this program is to allow Young Men to share, teach and demonstrate the principles of manhood where attention is given to their emotional, psychological, social, and physical development to enable them to achieve their dreams and become men who are strong, responsible and productive.
The program will:
- Enhance young people’s view of themselves and expectations of future success, Help young people to develop positive connections with family, peers and community Address gaps in critical life skills Assist young people to continue successful participation in further education, employment and training
- Provide positive adult role models through staff and other community members/mentors.
- Participants meet once a week for 3 hour and are served nutritious cooked meals as they discuss and engage in Young Black and Gifted programming.
- Target: young males between the ages 14-24 years
For more information please contact (416) 644-3539 (Ext. 314)
The Youth Outreach Program is funded by the Ministry of Children & Youth Services and managed by the Lead Agency for Scarborough – East Metro Youth Services. It is facilitated by ‘Youth Outreach Workers” also known as YOWs.
The focus of the Youth Outreach Program is to promote the development of skills of youth and their civic participation including that of community/peer leadership.
TAIBU CHC has one Youth Outreach Worker (YOW) that supports individual youths with mentoring and working with them to determine their goals. The YOW also helps to reduce barriers to accessing services and connects them to more specialized services. Some of the services provided by the YOW includes; advocating on their behalf, accompanying youths to services/agencies, helping youth accessing information & support surrounding employment. In addition to working with individual youths, the YOW also works with community agencies to create youth development opportunities.
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