If you are experiencing or witnessing a mental health crisis, call 2-1-1
The Toronto Community Crisis Service team has non-police led mobile crisis teams that can meet you 24 hours/day, 7 days a week.
We are here to provide immediate support. You call, we meet you at your home or any safe location in our service area. Call 2-1-1 for help.

Toronto Community Crisis Service – Northeast (Scarborough Region)
TAIBU Community Health Centre is a Community Partner of the Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) with the City of Toronto. TAIBU is the agency leading the service in the Northeast (Scarborough Region).
Are You in Crisis? We are here to help!
TCCS Northeast is free to use, confidential, discreet, and here to help anyone (aged 16 or over) in our service area with a focus on African, Caribbean, and Black populations. If you are experiencing or witnessing a mental health crisis, call 2-1-1
To learn more about the TCCS, visit Toronto.ca/CrisisService.
Supporting Mental Health into the Black Communities
TCCS provides non-police lead mobile crisis teams and follow up care to 4 areas of Toronto. Each region has teams led by a different Community Partner. TCCS Northeast operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, within these boundaries:
- Northern boundary: Steeles Avenue East;
- Eastern boundary: Pickering Town Line, Little Rouge River, Rouge River;
- Southern boundary: Scarborough shoreline;
- Western boundary: Victoria Park Avenue;
TCCS Northeast is offering non-police led mobile crisis support and follow up care. You reach out, we help you get the care you need and connect you to any long term resources you may need. 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. Call 2-1-1 for help.
New: Drop-in Case Management
In addition to 24/7 crisis support, TCCS Northeast is now offering drop-in case management.
Drop-in case management services are now available every Wednesday from 11am-3pm at 5639 Finch Avenue East, Unit 103.
Our dedicated team of case managers can help you with social housing agency referrals, financial navigation support (Including ODSP and OntarioWorks), advocacy, system navigation, support letters, community resources and more. Our case management services are always confidential and judgement-free. Anyone over the age of 16 living in Scarborough is eligible. Get the support you need to thrive.